The Green family consists of myself, Michelle, my husband, Russ, and our two sons, CJ (living happily on his own now) and Trenton (our resident hair stylist).

Leaven Heaven began with a dream of becoming more financially secure in our retirement. No, we aren't yet retired, but we at the Green house are planners. With watching the economy spike up and down, and our retirement account spike with it, we didn't want to rely on our savings alone, and began looking for ways we could make money over 65 and still be happy and have the flexibility to travel and have fun with family and friends.

With a passion for cooking, a love for making food both look and taste good and having a diabetic in the family who loves to eat bread, sourdough was a no-brainer.

We plan to build our little business as slow or fast as it wants to grow, after all, we still have over 10 years until we can quit our day jobs. :-)